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Jul 18, 14:37

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Bodywerxguy's  Blog

Massage is my hobby now

Jul 15, 20:45

I have done professional massage for over twenty years. Now that I don't need to rely on it for my income, I’m having more fun than ever taking clients that interest me at my leisure. I offer massage only if the chemistry is right, and I’m feeling the healing, nurturing energy coming forth from me to share my unique talents with a client. I start with a therapeutic massage ($80 incall); if we’re getting along, I’ll offer you a sensual massage ($200 incall). If I sense a powerful chemistry (which is rare) I’ll up grade your session to an erotic experience ($500 incall). Getting the best out of your massage comes from having great communication, acknowledging boundaries and respect.

Deep Tissue

Jul 05, 18:28

Deep tissue massage work is a site specific slow massage technique that uses the hands, knuckles, elbows, or forearms to apply pressure with the grain to release and lengthen or against the grain of muscles sift and broaden tissues. The goal is to work with the body to relieve tight knots and points of tension in the body's tissues layer by layer. The pressure should be significant but not painful, and should be applied in a "stop-and-go" approach. If you start to clench, grit your teeth, or hold your breath, there is probably too much pressure being applied which can work against the goal of deep work.

In the world of massage depth is different than pressure. Depth refers to the layer that the therapist is working with while pressure has to do with the amount of force applied to the body. Pressure can be applied by anyone. Depth on the other hand is a therapeutic approach that requires a sensitive sense of touch, a cultivated touch that helps address muscle tissue layer by layer. Increased pressure that does not observe the layers of the body and causes the body to armor which handicaps the ability for the therapist address deeper tissue and can make muscle tension worse.

One of my views on touch.

Jul 04, 02:54

Touch is a powerful form of communication, arguably our most potent one. Respecting boundaries and fostering good communication are the cornerstones of a great session.

Eastern Chakra System Part Two: The Root Chakra

Jul 02, 20:10

Let's delve into the first chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, which translates to root, base, or support. This name is apt as the root chakra is situated at the base of the spine, nestled deep within the pelvic floor and perineum. Traditionally, the color associated with the first chakra is a vibrant red. Its harmonic resonance aligns with the musical note C (Do), and it corresponds to the sacral plexus nerve. Given its proximity to the ground in a cross-legged meditation posture, its elemental affinity is Earth. The sense attributed to the root chakra is the sense of smell.

Safety, security, trust, and survival are the primary areas of consciousness linked to this foundational chakra. When the root chakra undergoes healing work to open its energy flow, a profound sense of calm and grounding permeates throughout the body, fostering a deep sense of stability.

Additionally, an interesting aspect of the root chakra is its connection to our primal instincts and survival mechanisms. It serves as the foundation of our energy system, providing a sense of stability and security that enables us to navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength.

Eastern Chakra System Part One

Jul 01, 20:46

Exploring alternative concepts of health, such as massage therapy, has always intrigued me. One of the most captivating Eastern philosophies that I have delved into is the chakra system. This intricate model of health focuses on the interconnectedness of consciousness levels. Each chakra is intricately linked to a specific color, musical note, nerve plexus, and gland, while also being associated with unique body systems and elements.

Moreover, the chakras are intricately connected to our body's senses. For instance, the fourth chakra is closely tied to our sense of touch. According to the chakra theory, there are seven vital energy centers, known as chakras, that run along the body's central axis.

Sensual and erotuc massages part three

Jun 28, 14:09

Sensual and erotic massages often aim to cultivate emotional and energetic connections between the therapist and the client. This may involve maintaining eye contact, encouraging deep breathing, and encouraging open communication to enhance the overall experience.

The massage typically concludes with a gradual reduction in touch, allowing the client to ease back into a state of relaxation. Moments of stillness accompanied by a gentle closing touch are often provided to complete the session.

It is essential to remember that consent, comfort, and mutual respect are paramount during a sensual and erotic massage. Boundaries must always be respected, and ongoing communication is vital to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for both parties involved.

Sensual and erotic massages part two

Jun 27, 17:47

The massage typically begins with gentle touch to help the client relax and become more comfortable with the therapist's touch. Techniques such as caressing the skin with fingertips are used in the early stages of the massage.

Sensual and erotic massages incorporate various pleasurable techniques, including long, gliding strokes (effleurage), kneading or rolling motions (petrissage), deep pressure with fingers or palms (friction), and feather-light nerve strokes. These techniques aim to stimulate the senses and awaken the body.

As the massage progresses, more sensual and erotic touch may be introduced, such as exploring erogenous zones like the inner thighs and buttocks. It is important to maintain a focus on relaxation and pleasure while always respecting boundaries and obtaining consent throughout the massage.

In some cases, the therapist may use their body to create additional sensations by sliding hands, arms, or other body parts against the client's skin, enhancing intimacy and connection.

Sensual and erotic massages, part one.

Jun 26, 17:26

Sensual and erotic massages encompass a variety of techniques aimed at promoting relaxation, pleasure, and intimacy. It is crucial to acknowledge that the nature of these massages varies significantly depending on the therapist's and client's chemistry, personal preferences, and boundaries. Sensual and erotic massages are highly personalized and subjective experiences. Here are some general elements that contribute to a seductive massage:

The environment is carefully designed to be comfortable, soothing, and conducive to relaxation. Soft lighting, calming music, and essential oils are often utilized to create a serene atmosphere.

Before the massage session begins, open and honest communication with the client is vital. This includes discussing boundaries, preferences, and specific areas that may need attention or should be avoided.

Clients may partially or wholly undress depending on mutual comfort levels and agreed-upon boundaries. Sometimes, the therapist may also undress partially or entirely to establish a sense of equality and connection.

Sleep part three

Jun 23, 18:58

What we take in can affect your sleep. With that said, avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime, as they can disrupt your sleep cycle and lead to a restless night. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is crucial. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends, to regulate your 24-hour circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality. If you've tried these tips and still have trouble sleeping, consider natural sleep aids like melatonin, valerian root, or magnesium to support relaxation and promote restful sleep.

ALWAYS consult with a healthcare provider before trying new supplements.

By incorporating these tips into your nightly routine, you can create an environment conducive to better sleep and improve your overall sleep quality. Sweet dreams! 😴

Sleep part two

Jun 22, 17:25

My second tip is to optimize your sleep environment. Ensure your bedroom is conducive to sleep by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. I personally enjoy listening to ocean or thunderstorm sounds and use an eye mask to block out any light. Speaking of light, limit your screen time before bed. Avoid exposure to screens (phones, tablets, computers) after the sun sets, as the blue light emitted can disrupt your circadian rhythm and interfere with sleep. If you can't avoid screens late at night, consider purchasing blue light blocking glasses.

Try aromatherapy; a pleasant scent in your room can promote relaxation and create a calm atmosphere. I recommend using a combination of lavender and Atlas Cedarwood in a diffuser. Weighted blankets are one of my favorite items for sleep. They provide gentle, even pressure or deep touch pressure (DPT), creating a calming effect akin to being hugged, swaddled, or held. Weighted blankets activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing heart rate, anxiety, and promoting better sleep quality.
Sweet dreams. 😴


Jun 21, 18:40

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for yourself in terms of self-care. However, most people - 15% - report having difficulty falling asleep, while 20% struggle with staying asleep. Here is the first blog containing tips for a better night's sleep.

First and foremost, create a bedtime ritual, such as taking a warm shower or bath before bed. A warm shower or bath can help your body regulate its temperature naturally, serving as a circadian (24-hour cycle) sleep signal. As your body cools down after the shower, it signals to your body that it's time to rest. Another beneficial ritual is practicing relaxation techniques like meditation. When you meditate, it slows your breathing, heart rate, and lowers your blood pressure. Additionally, meditation can increase your melatonin and serotonin levels, activating brain regions that regulate sleep. Stop by tomorrow for part two.
Pleasant dreams 😴

Nonnewtonian Fluid

Jun 20, 17:56

Styles of deep work in massage therapy can vary greatly, reflecting the individual approaches of different practitioners. My training was under a massage therapist who also had a chiropractic background. She taught me a gentle, pain-free, deep work method that can reach profound levels without triggering the client's fight or flight response. One valuable lesson she imparted was avoiding excessive pressure that could cause discomfort. She used a simple demonstration with a mixture of corn starch to illustrate the concept of a non-Newtonian fluid. This fluid responds to touch - when force is applied quickly, it turns solid, mimicking the reaction of muscles to excessive pressure. Conversely, when pressure is gradually increased, the fluid remains fluid, allowing for a deeper, more gentle interaction. Deep work in massage therapy aims to honor the body's response and never cause the client to react with discomfort or sudden movement during the session.

Hot stone massage

Jun 19, 15:27

There are many benefits to receiving a hot stone massage during a treatment; here are a few. First, the stones' heat helps relieve muscle tension and pain. Heat is used to ease muscle tension and pain. The hot stones increase blood flow to the affected area.
Additionally, hot stones reduce muscle spasms and increase flexibility and range of motion.
Sometimes, if it’s beneficial, I’ll alternate hot and cold therapy, which relieves inflammation dramatically by expanding and contracting blood vessels.

My deep work described.

Jun 18, 20:54

Now that we know more about deep work from yesterday's post. I want to share a glimpse into my approach to deep tissue massage. I provide a customized range of pressure options tailored to your preferences, ranging from a gentle touch to a 'hurts so good' sensation. Each therapist you'll see brings a unique style to their work; here’s more about mine.

After you identify the place for the deep massage, I’ll begin by placing my hand on the area and patiently wait for your body to signal its readiness for me to start. I initiate the session by possibly beginning with some gentle rocking and then incorporating warming techniques like rhythmic compression and flowing long warming strokes into kneading motions to loosen further and warm the tissue. Skin rolling is then utilized to sometimes “pop” any superficial adhesions. At this time, we've got increased blood flow to the area.

Now you’re ready for the deep work.

Look for part two, releasing tomorrow afternoon.

Contact me on the Rent Masseur website. Let's discuss what you want in your massage, and I’ll tell you how/if I can help. I’ll let you know the price and help you schedule that much-needed massage appointment.

What is deep tissue massage.

Jun 18, 01:21

Deep tissue massage is a form of massage therapy that targets the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It involves applying a steady pressure and slow strokes to specific areas of the body, rather than using it as full-body technique. In contrast to Swedish massage, which emphasizes relaxation and circulation and superficial muscles, deep tissue massage is intended to address pain, muscle tightness, and adhesions by reaching the deeper layers of muscle tissue and fascia, an incredible form of connective woven throughout the body. An amazing fact is that fascia has the tensile strength of steel!

Deep tissue massage can benefit people with chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis, as well as athletes, weekend warriors or individuals recovering from injuries. It can help improve range of motion, reduce muscle stiffness, and promote overall relaxation, pain relief, improved circulation, and increased range of motion. During your deep tissue treatment it is important to communicate with your massage therapist about your comfort level during the session, as deep tissue massage can be intense and may cause temporary soreness.


Jun 16, 02:59

Lube plays a crucial role in delivering a great massage. To ensure optimal results, it is essential to use the right type and amount of lubricant for each massage technique. Different types of massages, such as Swedish massage characterized by long flowing strokes, require specific lubricants to effectively engage the circulatory system and superficial tissue.

For Swedish or circulatory massages, it is important to use a lubricant with good glide and long-lasting workability. This allows the hands to smoothly glide over the skin and engage with the tissue effectively. On the other hand, for deeper tissue work, such as deep tissue massage, a massage wax, cream, or lotion with an initial slick glide is recommended. This type of lubricant helps warm up the tissue while also absorbing quickly to provide more traction, allowing the therapist to sink deeper into the tissue for effective treatment.

No Phone Weekends.

Jun 14, 17:52

Setting boundaries is crucial for our mental health and physical well-being. Over the past two months, I have implemented “no phone weekends” and noticed significant benefits. Disconnecting from my phone has reduced stress and anxiety, improving my mental health—better sleep quality results from avoiding the stimulating blue light and constant scrolling. My productivity has increased without notifications and distractions every second. Being present without my phone has enhanced mindfulness and deepened my connections with others. Creativity has flourished as my mind wanders freely. More physical activity and outdoor engagement have resulted from reduced phone use. Improved focus and concentration have made tasks easier to manage. Overall, taking a break from my phone on weekends has had a positive impact on my well-being and quality of life.

Instrument Assisted Massage

Jun 11, 03:35

Instrument-assisted work gets site-specific problems solved relatively fast. I use it to strip out muscles; sometimes, I go against the grain and sift the muscle. It provides that “hurt so good” sensation that almost everyone enjoys during deeper work.

Side-lying Massage

Jun 10, 01:56

You’ll feel right at home in this position if you are a side sleeper. While in the side-lying position, the inner and outer thigh, hips, torso, shoulders, and neck get worked differently and more effectively when compared to a massage where you only lay on your stomach or back. I’d say 90 percent of the people love it. I love it. Every time I do it, I get great results. It helps the massage feel balanced; it’s a great sensory experience.

Contact me with your questions.

I'm Back! My Orange County Travel Schedule

Jun 08, 15:42

I'll be working from a hotel (TBA) and doing outcalls in Orange County from July 9th - 11th. Space is limited. Book your massage today!

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