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Jul 25, 11:28

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Gay Massage in Montclair, NJ

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Certified Masseur
NJHANDS is a Certified Masseur


Body Type:
6'2" - 184 cm
165lbs - 67 kg
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Naturally Smooth
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Negative, on PrEP


15 years
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Jul 25, 11:28
Member Since:
Sep 19, 2019


allowing a natural energetic connection

Jul 11, 10:41

I have learned many things while doing bodywork over the past 16 years. One of my most valuable aspects is flowing with intuition and allowing the natural energetic connection between myself and my partner or partners to manifest. This evening, I will be leading a group massage workshop. Seven of us will come together to exchange massages. I plan to set up two tables for two men each and one table for three participants. Four-handed massage is always a favorite, as it alters the receiver's perception of their body, providing a luxurious experience. I recommend trying a four-handed massage sometime to appreciate its benefits truly.

Returning to the idea of allowing a natural connection, one aspect I have observed in group settings is how frequently our eyes initiate the massage experience. Particularly in M4M massage scenarios, individuals tend to make eye contact and select someone they feel would provide a satisfying touch. However, this dynamic is tested in a group setting and can lead to remarkable outcomes. It is a beautiful opportunity to experience the lesson of not judging a book by its cover.

a very sexy pair of underwear...

Jul 09, 12:18

Yesterday, a wonderful man whom I have been working with for quite some time in massage therapy surprised me with the gift of a very sexy pair of underwear to wear during our sessions. He prefers men in shorts and always comes prepared with the best ones himself. I was deeply touched by his generous gesture and immediately put them on. Working with him in that attire was incredibly enjoyable for both of us. He seemed to appreciate it, adding a fun and intriguing element to our time together. The interplay of eyes is significant in touch; whether the toucher's eyes are open or closed can influence the flow of touch, just as being touched can affect this dynamic. If you share his appreciation for jockstraps and men's underwear, consider gifting me a similar pair to wear during your next massage session.

Male-to-male massage therapy

Jul 06, 21:33

Massage therapy, an ancient practice offering numerous health benefits, is particularly beneficial for men when received from male therapists. Men may find comfort and familiarity in receiving massages from therapists of the same gender, enhancing relaxation during sessions. Male therapists better understand male muscle structures and tension patterns, providing tailored and effective treatments.
Regular massages from male therapists help improve circulation, reduce muscle soreness, enhance flexibility, and aid in faster recovery from injuries or workouts. Emotionally, massages aid in stress relief, mood enhancement, and mental well-being, offering men a holistic approach to health. Massages also foster a deeper mind-body connection, increasing self-awareness and promoting better self-care habits for long-term health. Male-to-male massage therapy offers a comprehensive approach to men's physical and mental well-being. By prioritizing self-care through regular massages, men can invest in their health and happiness for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Amazing energy BOOST not RELEASE

Jun 20, 10:39

The other day, I worked with a man who was completely surprised by the amazing energy he felt after leaving the massage table. When we started our session, he mentioned that he needed to release stress. While we often associate stress release with you know what, we took a different approach this time. By redirecting and circulating the built-up male energy throughout his body, we could distribute it effectively instead of simply releasing it. The outcome was a remarkable surge of vitality and vigor. He left the table with a sense of rejuvenation, evident in the free-flowing energy that permeated his entire body. He relished the experience - the touch, the empowerment he gained, and the sustained energy he carried into his day. When a session enables a man to bolster and retain his energy, the feedback is usually immediate. A few hours later, I often receive messages exclaiming, 'Wow, I feel so good!' Hence, it's not always about stress release; sometimes, redistributing one's energy can be the key to true happiness.

Ambiguity can detract

Jun 18, 12:33

A massage should flow along the natural energy pathways that emerge when two people agree to collaborate. Communication plays a vital role in this process. If you wish to focus on a specific area, communicate your preferences. Additionally, incorporating some two-way touch can be a pleasant and invigorating enhancement to the massage experience. It is essential to obtain consent beforehand to ensure both parties are comfortable and aligned. Ambiguity can detract from the enjoyment of the experience.

Nude yoga

Jun 16, 12:51

I attended a nude yoga edge meditation session yesterday, and it was truly amazing. The group was small, with just five of us guys. The experience of opening up my body and connecting deeply with others through movement and touch, both individual and shared, was incredibly profound. Male bonding in this setting made me feel energized, sexy, and alive.

Often, having a buddy

Jun 14, 11:04

Bate coaching is an educational practice focused on learning how to edge and achieve as many dry orgasms as possible. Often, having a buddy to edge with can make a significant difference. Since we all have a self-touch practice, it is worth considering yours and exploring ways to enhance it further. DO YOU JUST wack at it? What's your speed? Your lube? Your go-to position? I met a 30-year-old the other day who did not know if he liked to shoot sitting or on his knees better. Hmmmmmmmmm, let's learn together.

You will be HAPPY YOU CAME...

Jun 13, 10:06

My amazing men's wellness space is designed for men to feel comfortable, learn about their bodies, and experience relaxation through touch. Many aspects of our lives can benefit from regular massage. Just as you keep track of other priorities in life, why not also manage stress effectively? You will be delighted that you chose to prioritize self-care for your body. The benefits of weekly massages are truly unique. Even if not every week, any time you get a space to relax on a massage table and have your entire body pampered is a beautiful experience. Where else can you receive such dedicated attention? Book a session today. Arrive one way, leave another.

To best give touch, we must also feel touch

Jun 11, 09:58

I had a fantastic trade with a friend of mine yesterday. I always enjoy the opportunity to relax fully on the massage table. He is also a bodyworker and hasn't received a massage in months, which is never a good idea. I believe that to give touch, we must also feel touch - it's my motto. One way to achieve this is through a reciprocal touch exchange. We took turns working on each other for 15 minutes until our bodies completely relaxed. The experience was truly amazing; he was ready to work hard when he arrived.

Two-way touch is also a great way to learn bodywork, My TOUCH TUTORIALS are both relaxing and fun, come try one and see.

the full intensity of orgasm

Jun 07, 13:03

Edging is a delightful self-touch practice that enhances your connection with your body. It can be a brief session or extended over multiple sessions. I have honed this skill over the years, enabling me to achieve dry releases, experiencing the full intensity of orgasm without releasing any fluid energy. This process demands time, patience, and consistent practice, with the practice itself being the most rewarding aspect.
Achieving profound edging requires significant self-control, opening the door to a level of bliss previously unexplored. Just yesterday, I enjoyed over 2 hours of edging, reaching a state of ecstasy and still retaining my energy fully. I avoid experiencing discomfort or tension in my groin because I have learned to channel the energy from my genitals to the entire body.
Today, I feel a pleasant warmth, energized and invigorated, eagerly anticipating more edging sessions. Should you wish to explore edging with me, you are welcome to visit my OnlyFans page and embark on this journey with me at Onlyfans.com/intouchmen.

erogenous zones

Jun 06, 12:22

I often get asked if I offer happy endings. While it may feel amazing to focus on that part, what about all the other body parts to be touched and understood? Did you know you can stimulate the erogenous zones by massaging someone's ankle? I am very comfortable dealing with the male body and prefer sessions to progress naturally. I have interacted with thousands of individuals and I am attuned to energy, understanding what requires support and release. Therefore, why not put your trust in a professional? Additionally, edge coaching can be an educational enhancement if there is a genuine connection and an eagerness to actually focus and learn about your zones. However, it is important not to approach the session with specific expectations; I believe no expectations yield the best outcomes.

Men's wellness at NJHANDS

Jun 02, 10:07

My massage therapy practice is about men's wellness, focusing on relaxation and recovery. I specialize in massage techniques that promote relaxation, aid in injury recovery, help relieve chronic pain and discomfort and boost your entire physical and metabolic system. These techniques include Swedish, Sports, Deep Tissue, Clinical, Cupping / Gua Sha, Kundalini Tantric, and Sound Therapy. I am serious about helping men achieve their wellness goals. Come and relax on my table, and feel the stress melt away.

I am now offering 30 Min CLINICAL SPECIFIC TREATMENTS $60
Upper Back/Shoulders/Kneck
IT band syndrome
Rotator Cuff Injury
Low Back Pain
Plantar Fascitis
Chronic Tention
Body Reconnection
ED and more

Hot Oil Swedish

Apr 24, 11:43

I begin with a traditional hot oil Swedish massage at the outset of a new client relationship. This is a foundational step in establishing a connection, both physically and energetically, with the individual. Through the initial session, I observe and assess the client's physical state and responses to touch and attune myself to the subtle energetic signals that guide the flow of the session.

Every touch we give has the potential to influence the recipient on a physical, emotional, and energetic level. As a therapist, I pay close attention to how my touch impacts the client, where energy blocks or imbalances may manifest, and how the session unfolds in response to the interplay of touch and energy. This awareness allows me to tailor the massage experience to meet each individual's unique needs and responses, promoting a more profound sense of relaxation, healing, and release.

respect and understanding in touch

Apr 23, 11:54

Giving or receiving a massage involves a profound level of trust and vulnerability. It is a profoundly personal experience that can have therapeutic benefits for both the physical body and the mind. By engaging in open and honest communication about the type of touch desired, both individuals can clearly understand each other's preferences, boundaries, and comfort levels. This dialogue is the foundation for a positive and consensual interaction, allowing both parties to feel respected and safe throughout the exchange.

When embarking on a massage session, participants must openly discuss their expectations, desires, and any specific concerns they may have. By articulating their needs and preferences, individuals can guide the giver in providing touch that is pleasurable, effective, and within their comfort zone. This proactive communication enhances the overall quality of the massage experience and fosters a sense of mutual respect and understanding between the participants.

How excited it was making me.

Mar 23, 11:08

Stimulating energy between two individuals can be a profound experience during a massage. Energy transfer occurs as the giver applies pressure and manipulates the receiver's muscles. This exchange involves physical touch and an emotional and energetic connection between the two individuals. The giver's intention, focus, and skillful touch can create a sense of relaxation, trust, stimulation, and well-being in the receiver. At the same time, the receiver's receptivity and response to the message can influence the giver's energy and effectiveness. Overall, the mutual give and take of energy during a massage can lead to a harmonious interaction that benefits both parties in a unique and healing way. The other day, my buddy made my body sing as he explored my body while I was giving him a massage. Im sure He could feel how excited it was making me. REMEMBER: massage is touch, and all touch must be consensual. If you wish to touch your giver, ASK THEM IF IT IS OK.

A foot massage

Mar 19, 11:13

A foot massage can be sensual for men for various reasons. Firstly, the feet contain numerous nerve endings and pressure points that, when stimulated through massage, can create pleasurable sensations throughout the body. Foot massage can help release tension and stress from the body, promoting relaxation and potentially arousing feelings of pleasure in other areas. As men, we often carry stress and tension in our feet due to physical activity or long hours of standing; a foot massage can be a deeply soothing and sensual experience that allows you to unwind and feel pampered, so ask your massage guy to focus some time there, it's worth it. Did you know particular points around the foot are directly linked to your D-CK?

The glide of a hand

Mar 14, 10:48

Hot oil treatments offer several benefits for men's skin. Hot oils can help hydrate and nourish the skin when applied correctly, improving moisture retention and a more supple complexion. The heat from the oil can also help to open up the pores, allowing for deeper penetration of nutrients and promoting better absorption of the oil's beneficial properties. Additionally, hot oil treatments can soften rough skin, soothe irritation, and reduce inflammation. This can be particularly beneficial for men with dry, flaky, or sensitive skin. The massaging action involved in applying hot oil can also enhance blood circulation, contributing to a healthier and more vibrant skin appearance.
Incorporating hot oil treatments into a skincare routine can help men maintain smoother, healthier-looking skin by promoting hydration, nourishment, and overall wellness.

Hot oils are a fun way to discover how good the glide of a hand feels on all our parts.

improving overall mood

Mar 12, 10:35

Men should be getting massages regularly for many reasons, as they offer numerous physical and mental health benefits that can enhance overall well-being. Regular massage therapy can help relieve stress and tension, promote relaxation, improve circulation, reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, enhance flexibility, and boost immune function. It can also aid in improving erections, reducing the risk of injuries, and promoting faster recovery from physical activities or workouts.
Additionally, massages can have a positive impact on mental health by promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, reducing anxiety and depression, and improving overall mood. The therapeutic touch of massage therapy can also provide a valuable opportunity for men to unwind, de-stress, and rejuvenate their body and mind in today's fast-paced and demanding world.


Mar 11, 11:40

Massage has been known to provide numerous benefits beyond the relaxation it offers. For men looking to enhance their sex life, regular massage can prove to be a valuable ally. Not only does massage help to alleviate muscle tension and stress, but it also promotes relaxation, increases circulation, and boosts overall well-being. These physical effects can translate directly into improvements in sexual performance and satisfaction.
Massage therapy can help men connect with their bodies on a deeper level, heightening awareness of sensations and increasing sensitivity. This increased body awareness can enhance intimacy and pleasure during sexual activities. Furthermore, regular massage can contribute to reducing anxiety and improving emotional well-being, which are crucial factors in sustaining a healthy and satisfying sex life. Massage can get one back in touch with so many things, its worth getting on the table.

Giving a massage can be deeply soothing

Mar 10, 10:53

Providing a massage can offer a sense of relaxation and tranquility similar to that experienced when receiving one. Giving a massage involves focused attention on the recipient’s body, allowing the giver to connect with the sensations and responses of the person receiving the massage. This focus on another person's well-being can create a calming and meditative state for the giver, leading to a reduction in their stress levels and an enhanced sense of mindfulness. Additionally, the physical movements involved in giving a massage can promote relaxation in the giver's muscles, similar to the benefits enjoyed by the recipient. Overall, giving a massage can be a deeply soothing experience that fosters a sense of well-being and connection for both the giver and the receiver.

How about a tutorial? GET INTOUCH

Supporting sexual function

Mar 06, 14:30

Massage therapy can for sure enhance men's sexual health. From promoting relaxation and reducing stress to improving circulation, balancing hormones, and fostering emotional well-being, the benefits of massage extend beyond mere physical touch. By recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, men can harness the power of massage therapy to support their sexual function and overall health. Get more relaxed and get that wood working.

Release endorphins

Mar 04, 12:43

One of the primary reasons why men should consider getting massages is for stress relief. Massages can help relax the mind and body, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. Men who lead active lifestyles or engage in intense physical activities can significantly benefit from massages. Regular massages can help quicker recovery from muscle soreness, injuries, or strenuous workouts by improving blood circulation and enhancing muscle flexibility. Massage therapy can also enhance athletic performance by reducing muscle tension, increasing range of motion, and promoting faster recovery post-exercise. This can be particularly beneficial for men involved in sports or fitness training. Men experiencing chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, or headaches, can find relief through massage therapy. Certain massage techniques help alleviate muscle tension, target specific trigger points, and release endorphins, which act as natural painkillers. Apart from the physical benefits, massages can also have positive effects on mental and sexual health. Men may experience reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, and harder erections!

Self-care practices

Feb 29, 11:10

Self-care practices for men have gained traction as more individuals recognize the importance of holistic well-being. The hot oil massage is a simple yet effective way to promote physical and mental health among the various self-care rituals.

Muscle Relaxation: The warmth of the oil aids in relaxing tense muscles, reducing stiffness and promoting flexibility. Joint Health: Massaging oil into joints can alleviate stiffness and improve mobility. Skin Health, hydration: Hot oil massage helps moisturize the skin, leaving it soft and supple. Detoxification: Massaging with oils can help draw out toxins from the skin, promoting a healthier complexion.Anti-aging benefits: Regular hot oil massages can boost collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Incorporating a weekly hot oil massage into a self-care routine can benefit many. As men prioritize holistic health with hot oil massage, one can enjoy a simple yet powerful way to nurture the body and mind. The best part is this can all be done naked. Who does love that?


Feb 27, 13:47

I am thrilled to be back in New Jersey practicing massage after a beautiful trip to New Orleans. I am eager to have all the men in New Jersey on my massage table, enveloped in warm healing oils, before the arrival of spring. I am currently offering Swedish relaxation sessions. Come experience pure bliss with me."

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